Although the COVID-19 situation in Victoria is looking much better, Power Assist has decided to cancel all games for Friday 6th August.  We sincerely hope that restrictions will ease further and competition will return the following week – please look for an announcement from us on Wednesday 11th August regarding games on Friday 13th August.

Thank you to the many of you who have sent messages to Power Assist.  We all want the same thing – which is a return to competition in a safe environment for everyone.

We understand that this news will be disappointing for those keen to get back to regular games but we encourage you to keep up your personal fitness and if you can, find a nearby court and do some shooting practice.  It will help when we do get to come back together.

I invite all of you to join in to a Zoom session on Friday night (6th August at 7pm)  – I’ve set this up just in case you would like to join in and say hello, and of course ask any questions that you have.  See details below.

Kind Regards



Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 0062 6610

Passcode: J9v6jy